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Physiotherapy Services

At The Physio Base, we provide physiotherapy services for all musculoskeletal and sports injury presentations. Expert advice on diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and exercise.

Post graduate education in Connect Therapy means we will assess your body as a whole, looking at all systems and contributing factors. 


At The Physio Base treatment is tailored to the individual depending on the cause of the symptoms. You can expect to have a thorough assessment looking at your whole body and how it moves and functions. ​


At The Physio Base we use our wealth of experience and knowledge to determine the best management to help you recover. ​With our strong knowledge of how the body moves as a whole, you can expect us to be looking at all areas of your body and how they interact.​ We aim to keep you moving, doing the things you enjoy, and have you moving better than ever before.


At The Physio Base we are happy to liase and work with your current health team. We know it is important to you for your health team to be connected and all working together to achieve your goals. Whether it be your GP, specialist, personal trainer, pilates instructor, podiatrist, massage therapist or other professional.


To aid your rehabilitation and get you moving better, we also offer specialised, physio led rehab exercise classes. As part of your management plan, we may recommend participating in one of our classes.

Treatment Specialities

​At The Physio Base, we do a thorough assessment of your whole body so we can be certain we identify and treat all issues contributing to your problem.

What to expect from your visit

  • Thorough history taking of your current presentation.

  • Previous history including other injuries, surgeries and potential contributing factors.

  • Review of any scans or paperwork.

  • Discussion of your goals and expectations from physio.

  • Physical assessment – including specific local assessment and whole body and movement assessment.

  • Discussion of physical findings, diagnosis, prognosis, and management plan.

  • Commencement of treatment.

  • As part of your management plan, follow-up appointments will be scheduled based on your individual needs.  

What you leave with

  • A management plan tailored to your individual needs.

  • Confidence and understanding of your current presentation and contributing factors.

  • Plan for treatment including time frames, exercise prescription and education.

  • Advice on current activity levels and sport participation.

  • Advice for any further follow up with other experts if needed e.g. podiatry, exercise physiology, Sports medicine, massage therapist etc.

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