Knee pain
The knee is a hinge joint and is the biggest joint in your body. It is an important part of your body and is involved in activities such as walking, squatting, running and jumping.
Knee pain is a common complaint that can affect people of any age. Knee injuries can be acute as a result of trauma or can build gradually over time.
Knee pain
Common conditions we treat
Patella femoral pain - Knee cap pain
ITB syndrome
Mensical irritation, inflammation or tears
Ligament injury or tear - ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL
Osgood Slatters
Common symptoms
Pain in or around the knee
Swelling, redness or heat in the knee
Clicking or locking of the knee
Feeling of knee giving way
Difficulty taking weight onto knee
Common contributing factors
Overuse - sudden increase in activity
Trauma - twisting, impact, fall
Degenerative changes
Reduced Strength and flexibility
Injury or dysfunction in other areas of your body e.g. Hip or ankle